September 1 - 5, 2019Prague, Czech Republic

Thank to all participants for attending the conference.

You can download the Book of abstracts here.

If you have any questions contact us.

Topics of Symposia include:

1. Population dynamics, population viability, and population estimation

2. Behavioral ecology

3. Disease

4. Genetics, Morphology, Taxonomy

5. Equid reproductive biology and fertility control

6. Modeling for wild and feral equids

7. Feral equid issues and rewilding

8. Conservation 


Aims of the conference

The main aims are:

  • to share scientific research, new technologies, and tools for conservation and management
  • to provide opportunities for international networking 
  • to share knowledge on the ecology and conservation of equid species
  • to promote international collaboration

The IWEC in Vienna (2012) 

The 2012 International Wild Equid Conference was a meeting of scientists, managers, and wildlife professionals that are actively working on issues of equid conservation and management throughout the world. Wild equids continue to face decline globally and this meeting will provide a platform for engaging professionals in constructive discussion, collaborative conservation action, and stimulating innovative approaches to conservation and management. In contrast, feral horse populations continue to increase rapidly and often compete with native wildlife, including wild equids, and innovative tools are needed to estimate abundance and control population growth rates. Topics of this meeting included ecology of wild equids, equid-human conflict, genetics, equine disease, abundance estimation, conservation of small populations, management of overabundant populations, and wild equid re-introductions.

International Wild Equid Conference 2019

September 1 - 5, 2019, Prague

Prague 2019
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